Old Things Made New: A New Home for CityView Church

CityView Church, based in Pearland, Texas, is a church passionate about multiplying disciples for Jesus in the Houston area. Their vision? To plant 100 churches in the Houston area in 25 years. So far, CityView has helped plant twelve churches around Houston, and is in the process of planting a thirteenth. With a population of over 2.3 million people, Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States, and is one of the most diverse mission fields in Texas. Jason Crandall, the Vision and Teaching Pastor at CityView Church, also serves as the Church Plant Lead for the Send Network SBTC.

Since the initial church plant in 2014, CityView has witnessed God provide for and grow their church in miraculous ways. In 2017, CityView received a land loan from the Foundation. At the time, the church was a three-year-old plant, and having difficulty partnering with area banks. Crandall describes the process of working with the Foundation as “painless” and “a joy.” So when CityView decided to expand and renovate an old building four years later, they decided to work with the Foundation again—even though they could have chosen an area bank at that time. “The [Foundation] rates were similar and the terms were far better. Most importantly we love that our payments don’t go to a bank’s bottom line, but towards a mission and vision that we believe in.”

The building itself was an unlikely choice—an old plumbing supply warehouse with stained concrete sides, huge loading dock doors, and an overgrown parking lot. But for CityView Church, this warehouse would become home. The transformation that followed seemed nothing short of miraculous, both visually and in terms of God’s timing and provision. CityView faced many challenges during the church expansion—the process of buying, renovating, and building during the COVID-19 pandemic, cost volatility, and uncertainty regarding financial provision. “God has been unbelievably faithful in guiding our team and making our paths straight,” Crandall recalls. “Anxieties cast on Him are anxieties relieved. He is faithful!”

“Anxieties cast on Him are anxieties relieved. He is faithful!”
Pastor Jason Crandall

On September 18, CityView celebrated the grand opening of their new facility, now a bright and modern building unrecognizable as the neglected warehouse it once had been. The renovation drew thanks from many in the community, including members of the city council and chamber of commerce, their neighbors, and even the mayor of Pearland, Kevin Cole.

But for CityView, the transformation is about so much more than just the building. The renovation has been a visual gospel analogy within the community. “We’ve likened the renovation to what Jesus does with us, making us brand new,” Crandall says.

For pastors and churches who want to remodel or build a new facility, Crandall first urges them to work with the Foundation. “They help you count the cost as you walk into this kind of project.” Next, he encourages churches to develop a plan—one that fits with the church’s vision, values, and strategy. Then select a design team and builder carefully, and ensure they understand the church’s vision and scope for the project. “Don’t get enamored with the lowest price or the prettiest building,” Crandall warns. But finally, “stay close to Jesus… He is good and faithful.” He provides for the needs of his people, often in unexpected and miraculous ways.

Article written by: Raelea Sutton


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