Why We Give

Q&A with Donald & Nancy McCartney

Donald McCartney

Donald McCartney

Q: Why did you establish a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)? 

A: The primary reason we wanted to establish a donor-advised fund (DAF) is that we want to build up funds to help our church pay off its debt.  The church has a very good interest rate at about 3.5 to 4%, but our thoughts are that if we can invest the money in a fund that earns more and give it to the church later, then the debt can be paid down faster.   

Q: What joy do you find in supporting God’s kingdom through a DAF?

A: The joy I receive from the Lord by supporting the DAF is from giving in general to Kingdom causes.  We’re all called upon to be good stewards of what the Lord has entrusted to us, and part of our stewardship involves giving.  Why not figure out a way with the Lord’s help to  maximize that?  A DAF allows us to supplement our current giving by contributing additional funds to build for future donations.   This allows the money to grow and benefit Kingdom causes even more.   Our testimony is that when we increased our giving up to at least a tithe, we have never missed the money because the Lord has blessed us even more than we gave.  You can’t outgive the Lord!

Q: What motivated you to seek the services of the Foundation to establish your DAF?

A: We selected the SBTF fund because it’s oriented toward Christian causes.  

Q: What advice would you give to someone considering setting up a DAF?

A: Our advice for someone  considering starting a DAF would be to start small if necessary, but just get started by opening an account and putting some money in.  They can still add funds regularly afterward.  Select a diversified fund with rebalancing that should grow through almost all market cycles, and leave the money there long enough to give it a chance to grow.   

To learn more about establishing a Donor-Advised Fund, call the Foundation at 844-351-8804 or click the button below.


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