Investment Fund Overview
The Foundation provides various pooled fund investments to meet the specific needs of Texas churches and ministries, including the Enhanced Cash Fund, Fixed Income Fund, Equity Fund, and Alternatives Fund. These asset class funds are comprised of Guidestone Mutual Funds and can be combined together in specific allocations to meet portfolio and diversification objectives. Each fund achieves a benchmark return appropriate for its asset class. These returns over time are typically higher than traditional cash management instruments and can maximize returns for ministries.

Endowment Fund Overview
The Southern Baptists of Texas Foundation’s Endowment Fund implements spending and investment policies designed to achieve favorable returns while minimizing risk for endowed funds. Annually, the Foundation creates a target return for assets invested in the Endowment Fund. Quarterly distributions to your ministry provide much-needed resources while maintaining the principal corpus of the Endowment. The current distribution rate of 4.2% is approximately 20% below the targeted return on the Endowment Fund.