Certificate FAQs
What is a Church Expansion Certificate?
A Church Expansion Certificate is a term or demand unsecured debt obligation issued by the Southern Baptists of Texas Foundation, made available through an Offering Circular. Daily Certificates have no maturity, and the interest is subject to change at any time. Term Certificates have a set maturity from three months to five years and carry a fixed yield for the term of the investment.
What is the minimum initial deposit?
A $2,500 minimum balance makes it easy to set up an account.
What happens when a certificate matures?
At maturity, certificate funds can be distributed back to the account owner or reinvested at the current yield for the term.
What is the penalty for early withdrawals?
For a term investment that is 12 months or less, the Foundation will charge a penalty equal to 90 days of interest. For a term investment longer than 12 months, the Foundation will charge a penalty equal to 180 days of interest. The penalty will not invade the principal.
How often do rates change?
Certificate yields are set monthly. Term deposits of three months or longer will have the guaranteed yield for the term of the investment.
How are funds and earnings accessed?
The Foundation offers online access to all certificate investments. New certificate account deposits and account withdrawals are routinely handled by ACH transactions upon request.