The Blessing of Generosity
Seven years ago, the Foundation set goals to guide our future. Those goals centered on sequential steps needed to build an operating model which eliminated any Convention resources in funding our underlying cost structure. Our dreams were to grow Foundation operations to a point where we could begin to make significant financial contributions to fund kingdom endeavors.
Today, those dreams have become a reality. In entering this exciting new chapter of our ongoing story, God’s blessings on our work have positioned the Southern Baptists of Texas Foundation to shift from consuming resources to contributing resources.
Dr. Jim and June Richards
Executive Director Emeritus of the SBTC & Wife
During the Foundation’s May board meeting, Foundation leadership approved $500,000 in grants from our accumulated unrestricted reserves. Half of those funds will establish the “Jim and June Richards Ministry Endowment,” and the other half will be dedicated in the upcoming 2022 budget cycle to support the in-state budget of the SBTC as they continue to strategize on how best to serve our affiliated churches throughout the state. The Foundation is blessed to participate with the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention in their ongoing work to “Reach Texas and Impact the World.”
A verse in Proverbs reiterates a fundamental biblical truth related to a believer’s disposition and management of earthly treasures. In Proverbs 11:25, there is the simple and straightforward declaration, “The generous man will be prosperous, and he who waters will himself be watered.” One of the Foundation’s core values is generosity. We believe as God blesses our work, our stewardship of those blessings is wisely invested when we generously allocate money to support God’s work through others. At the outset of our journey, and as we continue to grow, our dreams have been to do more with our financial blessings than consume – our dreams are to contribute and make an impact.
What about your stewardship of God’s blessings received through the faithful contributions from your membership? How does this proverbial truth impact your handling of those blessings? Does your church consume all of God’s financial blessings on inward ministries and programs? How much of your budgetary resources do you devote to evangelistic efforts designed to reach the lost in your community? How much budget do you devote to missions and cooperative program support? The Great Commission compels churches to take the Gospel outside the church’s walls and reach your city, your state, and the nations.
If I were to take the Proverb and reduce it to a principle, I might offer the following: Generosity always returns benefit to those who give. I pray a spirit of generosity will prevail on our churches and on all who follow Christ and fund His ongoing work.
Bart McDonald, SBTF Executive Director