What’s the Catch
MacArthur Boulevard Baptist Church in Irving, Texas, prides itself on its members’ active involvement in the very founding of the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention.
Finance, MacArthur Blvd BC
Our longstanding history is a source of pride, and our clear alignment of biblical principles anchors the foundation of trust and respect we have for the Southern Baptists of Texas Foundation (SBTF). We know that our church and the SBTF are like-minded. Choosing who to entrust the investable funds that were entrusted to us by our donors—that is not a decision we took lightly. Admittedly, SBTF’s published CET investment yields were impressive enough to captivate our full attention. More importantly though, we knew we needed to select an investment partner that saw the world from the same point of view.
Our experience with SBTF has been nothing but a blessing. Increased yield on our invested funds deployed in CET investments has been a “budget blessing.” But the leadership at SBTF have been a blessing for our church finance team. Knowledgeable, service-minded, and down-to-earth, we know they have no hidden agenda that conflicts with our church’s own stated mission: To lead people to trust and follow Christ.
For other pastors wondering, like we did, “What are CET investments, and what’s the catch?” I offer this advice. First, the team at SBTF will help answer the questions you have, honestly and accurately. Second, we believe that CET investments are investments in the Kingdom, right here in our Jerusalem (Texas, y’all). And while all investments, including CETs, carry risk (there is no risk-free investment), we know our mission requires us to act in faith and obedience to a God who promises to honor those who honor him.