Church Lending


Financing for
Kingdom Impact

The church lending services of the Foundation offer competitive interest rates and creative terms to SBTC churches and other ministries. We also provide long-term notes to help churches avoid renewal expenses. As a private lender, the Foundation is not subject to many of the standard regulatory issues facing banks. As such, we do not require appraisals or other common reports in an effort to save our borrowers money in the closing process.

If your church needs a loan, simply contact us for further guidance.


Benefitting Other Ministries

Borrowing from the Foundation benefits SBTC churches and other ministries by enabling our Foundation to provide attractive yields on their cash reserve and designated fund deposits. Currently, we are paying over $1,950,000 in interest earnings annually to churches who invested their cash reserves in daily and term certificates. It’s beautiful to see God’s people working together to make much of the resources He has given them.

Are you interested in applying for a loan?