The Father’s Estate
How will your story end? Will life stewardship of your assets include a concern for the lostness of this fallen world? The church armed with the gospel represents the only hope for the lost. If the Foundation can assist you or your church, please call on us. Lost souls hang in the balance.
Stewardship Strategies: No Longer Optional
The greatest wealth transfer in modern history has begun. As churches formulate stewardship strategies, including planned giving and creating legacy-giving opportunities is no longer optional.
A Lasting Legacy
“I would strongly recommend to any pastor that they have an estate planning seminar at their church,” says Pastor Edwards. North Park had as many young couples as senior adults who were interested in preparing a will. Planned giving is an excellent opportunity for churches to provide a way for its members to leave a legacy to the gospel through their church. Pastor Edwards says, “My only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner!”